Company Director - Martin McKigen started the company in 1990 as a small, family run 8-bed residential home in Bo'ness town centre. He worked as a psychiatric nurse before retiring. After expanding into Care at Home and Housing Support, the residential home closed down.

Managing Director/Registered Manager - Stephanie McKigen started working for Dalriada in 2001 as a support worker in the residential unit and then in the community. She started as Deputy Manager in 2015 before taking over the role as General Manager in 2017 and then Managing Director in 2019.


Assistant Manager - Connie Stevenson has been with Dalriada since 2005. After 12 years as a Support Worker she joined the management team as Care Administrator before being promoted to Assistant Manager in 2019. Connie oversees the day to day, providing support for the Staff Team and helping the company grow.

Service Coordinator - Kirsty Vance started with the company in 2014 after finishing university. She was employed as a Support Worker before joining the management team in the office in October 2017 and is responsible for the allocations of care packages and rotas.

Care Quality Supervisor - Pauline Gilmour first started working with us back in 2016 as an external SVQ assessor for some of our staff. Pauline decided to join our team full time in 2021 and is now responsible for overseeing our care packages to ensure a responsive, person-centred service.

Training & Recruitment Coordinator - Pamela MacDonald joined Dalriada as a support worker in 2017. She now works full time in the office, supporting new and existing staff to complete all required training.

Senior Support Workers - Gillian Gray and Keira Maxwell work between the office and the community, undertaking reviews and ensuring care plans are kept up to date.


Office Manager - Donna Black joined the Dalriada team in 1999 as an Office Assistant and is now in charge of the administration team. Donna has been a key part of developing the company to what it is today and her organisation skills are second to none!

Finance Administrator - Sarah MacVicar has been with the company since 2004. She works in the office full time and deals with the payroll, quality assurance and other general admin duties.

Office Administrator - Aimee Howarth is the newest member of our office team. She has recently completed her Modern Apprenticeship in Administration and will be staying on with us full time. Aimee also works some hours in the community as a support worker.